All joking aide for a moment, I was ever so glad to hear from you Joe and more than a little amazed at the length of your letter. Just goes to prove that it can be done. Now that you've spoiled me, I hope you intend to continue entertaining me in the future with such newsy and amusing letters. Already I can hear you muttering, "never again."
As you probably have already guessed tonight is Monday and my night to spend poring over volumes of school books. But of course writing letters is decidedly more pleasant than dashing off a term paper for English. Any excuse to get out of work you know. Incidentally I haven't as yet decided on my topic and the first few hundred words are due tomorrow--Happy day.
After reading your tale of the poor little rain soaked draftees, I'm inclined to choose a phase of army life for my paper, but then again what would I use for a bibliography. Or is J.J. Koch an accepted reference?
Your experiences have certainly been numerous as well as varied. No doubt they were both amusing and sad. At any rate there has probably not been a dull moment.
Of course it's to be expected that you would have a "soft" job. Everyone else goes out to Upton and slaves in the kitchen doing KP duty for a week, but Pvt. Koch sits at a desk for a few hours a day. How many days do you have off each week Joe: don't tell me you work on Monday morning and Wednesday afternoons. Well I suppose if I graduate from college and bring up my IQ to 151, I too could get a similar job with the Army. Before obtaining such a job though if I have to qualify to the above conditions, I quit. I was glad to hear though that my suspicions concerning you were based on facts and that you are a genius. Tell me were you ever a quiz kid? Again to be serious--I'm happy to see that they realized that here is a fellow who knows something.
The day you left for camp I saw by the papers (OK it was the LI Daily Press) that your draft board had been bombed. At least the bomb was just about ready to explore when Johnny Policeman dashed to the rescue. You weren't up to any Red Skeleton tricks before leaving, were you Joseph? To be truthful I was a trifle suspicious. At any rate by this time they've no doubt nabbed the culprit.
Jim really is having trouble with his draft board. As was expected he been reclassified 1A. Nothing much has happened on his application for v2 (?) so he's a bit edgy these days regarding his fate. Do you have any extra beds in that nice warm tent? In view of the President's little proclamation of yesterday, enlisting has become a thing of the past. Think of all the trouble you'd have saved. Oh but then there would have been that many more days to work.
Speaking of working do you miss answering letters of complaint? Had I realized sooner I could have done a bit of complaining. As a mater of fact I think I will. My teasing you about getting up early on Saturday morning was all in vain. LPG (her company) had something special to take care of and asked one M.N. to please come in one Saturday. Said M.N. worked until 5:30. I'm more convinced now that I should join the army or something.
By the way Joe I both resent and appreciate your remarks concerning that little garden spot of L.I--Queens Village. We do have sidewalks--so there too.
I decided not to send out the medal (with the long chain) until I am sure you are going to be at Upton for a while. It's really too bad that visitors are no longer permitted because I would love to travel out in the woods to see the number one reception center of the country. But perhaps you'll be around for Chrstimas and can wrangle a day or two off. Write soon again Joe, as I want to hear from you.
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